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Digital Twins for Time Dependent Problems

Digital Twins for Time Dependent Problems

Friday, May 17, 2024 12:00 pm
Friday, May 17, 2024 12:50 pm
STAG 112
Juan Restrepo
Oak Ridge National Lab
ABSTRACT: A digital twin is a set of algorithms that connect the virtual world to the physical worl in a fully bi-directional way: for example, a predictive digital twin will use physics models, machine learned models, constraints as well as observations to make forecasts. A digital twin used as a controller would yield a virtual prescription, taking into account observations, that prescribes changes in the real world aimed at obtaining a certain desired real world outcome. I will describe ongoing work on developing a digital twin that will become central to an artificial intelligence framework for large scale electric grid resilience via adaptation.

BIO: Juan M. Restrepo is a Distinguished Member of the R&D staff and the section head of the mathematics in computation section at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His research concerns foundational aspects of machine learning and the development of new artificial intelligence algorithms for science. He is a Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Applied Marhematics and of the American Physical Society.