The Gauss-Jordan elimination method described in section 9.2, works as follows Suppose you want to solve: ax+by+cz=0 dx+ey+fz=0 gx+hy+iz=0 where x,y,z are unkowns and a...i are given complex numbers, you first try to make this system "triangular". First step is to make d and g zero by taking the first equation and multiplyiing it by -d/a and -g/a respectively and adding it to the second and third equation respectively. (I'm assuming a is not zero; if it is just swap the first equation with either 2nd or 3rd so the coefficient of x is not 0)So you get: ax+by+cz=0 Ey+Fz=0 Hy+Iz=0 for suitable complex numbers E,F,H,I. My claim is that in our problem we are done! In principle you should now try to cancel H by taking the 2nd equation and multiplying it by -H/E and adding it to the thrid. However, we know in advance what will happpen: The third equation must become 0=0! This is because we are trying to find a nonzero eigenvector, and we know that there MUST be such a nonzero solution. So if we would not get 0=0, then you see that the zero solution would be the only possible solution (namely the last eqaution would read Kz=0 for some nonzero K, so that implies z=0, and then by backsubstitution into 2nd equation you get y=0 and into first you get x=0, a contradiction!) So where does that leave us? We only need to solve: ax+by+cz=0 Ey+Fz=0 Just PICK y=1, solve 2nd equation for z and backsubstitute in first equation to solve for x. DONE. [you could have picked z=1, solved for y etc as well]