//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //This baby program prints your name and computes an L2-norm of your birthdate // it also sets up a random vector and computes its average //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%% prototypes of standard functions and declarations first #include // you need this for printing #include // you need this for rand() #include // you need this for sqrt function #include // you need this for allocations //**************************************************** int main() { #define MAXN 8 const int n=MAXN; float x[MAXN]; // this is static allocation, we'll use dynamic for xrand int nlarge; float *xrand; int i; char * myname[20]; float norm; //%%% input and initialize variables // name printf ("Enter your name (20 characters, np spaces, you can use underscore):\n"); scanf("%s",myname); printf("%s\n",myname); //%%% input your birthdate printf("Enter %d digits of your birthdate separated by space or new line\n",n); for (i = 0; i