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Ph. D. Students

Robert L. Dawes May, 1977 Texas Instruments, Martingale Res. Corp., QED Corp.
A degenerate evolution equation for fluid flow in multi-porous media

Martin M. Rooney December, 1977 University Central Oklahoma, MATLAB
Numerical analysis of nonlinear wave equations

E. DiBenedetto August, 1979 Indiana University, Northwestern, Vanderbilt University
Implicit degenerate evolution equations

Kenneth L. Kuttler December, 1980 Michigan Tech. Univ., Brigham Young University
Degenerate evolution inequalities

Jim Rulla September, 1985 N.C. State University, Arkansas College, Pacific University
A Stefan problem with prescribed convection (Best Dissertation Award)

Marie-P. Bosse August, 1987 Iowa State University, A.T.&T., ALC-TEL
Homogenization of the layered medium equation

Seth Oppenheimer December, 1987 Mississippi State University
Dynamics of gas absorption

Noel Walkington May, 1988 Carnegie - Mellon University
Resolution of a diffusion problem arising in the flow of fluids

Xingsheng Xu August, 1988 University of Arkansas, Mississippi State University
The continuous dependence of solutions to a Cauchy problem

Lindsay Packer August, 1992 Charleston College, MSU Denver
The regularized layered medium equation

Gordon Clark August, 1992 Virginia Commonwealth University, TCS Management
Microstructure modeling of fluid flow in a layered medium

John D. Cook August, 1992 Vanderbilt University, Western Atlas, MD Anderson Biostat, John D. Cook Consulting, University of Houston
Diffusion models with microstructure and secondary flux

Thomas Little August, 1993 Courant Inst, IMA, Columbia, Deutsche Bank
Semilinear parabolic equations with Preisach Hysteresis

Brooke Hollingsworth August, 1994
Semilinear degenerate parabolic systems and distributed capacitance models

Laura Lochhead Rock December, 1996 ITT (Seattle)
A coupled system of semilinear parabolic equations with hysteresis

Hee Chul Pak December, 1999 Sogang University, Dankook University
Two Distributed Capacitance Models

Bahareh Momken December, 2000 Avaya Communications
Fluid Flow and Deformation in Composite Porous Media

Darrin Visarraga August, 2001 University of Texas, Los Alamos National Lab
Heat Transport Models with Distributed Microstructure

Fernando Morales June, 2011 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin
Multiscale Analysis of Saturated Flow in a Porous Medium with Adjacent Thin Channel

Eleanor Holland September, 2018 Oregon State University
Modeling Porosity: the Visco-Elastic Edition

Alireza Hosseinkhan June, 2022 Macalester College
The Biot System with Unilateral Displacement Constraints