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SIAMinar with Joseph Skudlarek

SIAMinar with Joseph Skudlarek

Wednesday, February 5, 2025 1:00 pm
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 2:00 pm
Kidder 280
Joseph Skudlarek

Joseph P. Skudlarek is a retired high tech industrial software professional, having worked primarily as a CAD/EDA tool and OS developer. He has worked for startups and stalwarts, has a BSEE from Princeton and an MSCS from Stanford, five patents, and is a senior member of the ACM. He enjoys enriching education in the theory and practice of computer science, math, software, and programming. He is also a happily married sibling, spouse, and father who enjoys family, friends, music, kayaking, reading, exploring, traveling, hiking, and making sourdough.

Mr. Skudlarek will give a two-part talk about his many experiences in his career and a topic of his research regarding a fast approximate solver for displaying intuitive flight lines in a layout editor using metric geometry. The titles of these two parts are Career Advice --- A Dinosaur's Perspective and Octilinear Flight Lines -- A Fast 2D Metric Minimum Spanning Tree Technique. For the complete abstracts, see the OSU SIAM website.

Join us for snacks + tea in the lounge (Kidd 302) before the talk at 12:30!

Nicholas Harrison