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Events Archive


This archive contains departmental events covering the time period of May 1980 through the present.

DateEvent TypeEvent TitleSpeaker
1997/04/09SeminarElectronic Cash and Mathematics
1997/04/08Milne LectureZeros of the Riemann Zeta Function: Conjectures and Computations
1997/03/10ColloquiumClassifications of holonomies of affine connections
1997/02/25ColloquiumThe topographic coordinate transformation - a new analytic solution method for nonlinear landform pdes
1997/02/25ColloquiumThe Topographic coordinate transformation - a new analytic solution method for nonlinear landform pdes
1997/02/18ColloquiumOrbits, representations, and involutory automorphisms of algebraic groups
1997/02/11ColloquiumSoft mathematics: the mathematics of people
1997/01/21ColloquiumIterated function systems with overlaps
1996/12/04ColloquiumComputational mathematics in the 21st century: finite vs. infinite computations
1996/11/19ColloquiumThe octonionic eigenvalue problemTevian Dray
1996/11/09ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1996/06/04ColloquiumNonlinear economic models of corruption control
1996/05/23ColloquiumBiholomorphic self-maps of domains
1996/05/20ColloquiumSummation and integration: a topological perspective
1996/05/07Lonseth LectureThe Shape of the Universe
1996/04/30ColloquiumRigorous results on spin glass models,
1996/04/23Colloquiumtopological censorship
1996/01/25ConferenceEssential Mathematics Summit
1995/10/13ConferenceSymposium for Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women
1995/05/25Lonseth LectureMathematics and Computers: Recent Successes and insurmountable Challenges
1995/05/24ColloquiumSearching for the Shortest Network
1995/04/29ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1995/04/23ConferenceMathematics Awareness Week
1995/01/31ColloquiumPrivacy and Authentication in Cyberspace
1995/01/31ColloquiumJuggling, Permutations, and Affine Weyl Groups
1994/10/19ColloquiumData Punctuation Trees
1994/05/24Lonseth LectureMistakes We all Made: How Error-Free is Mathematics?
1994/04/15ConferenceSymposium for Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women
1993/06/10Conference10th Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology
1993/05/18Milne LectureLinks Between Number Thoery and Numerical Analysis
1993/04/27Lonseth LectureDimension
1993/04/25ConferenceMathematics Awareness Week
1992/10/31ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1992/05/19Lonseth LectureOn the Shape of Things
1992/04/26ConferenceMathematics Awareness Week
1992/04/23ConferenceSymposium for Graduate Study in Science for Undergraduate Women
1991/05/14Lonseth LectureFour Encounters With Sierpinski's Gasket
1991/05/04ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1991/04/21ConferenceMathematics Awareness Week
1990/05/31Conference7th Annual Western Workshop in Geometric Topology
1990/05/01Lonseth LectureA B C Conjecture
1990/01/12ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1990/01/08Milne LectureThe Search for Randomness
1989/05/16Lonseth LectureRamanujan's Lost Notebook
1989/01/21ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar
1988/10/18Milne LectureOn the Mathematics of Computation
1988/05/18Milne LectureComputers & Combinations
1988/05/17Lonseth LectureCantor Dust Under a Binary Tree
1987/10/31ConferencePacific Northwest Geometry Seminar