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Events Archive


This archive contains departmental events covering the time period of May 1980 through the present.

Date Event Type Event Title Speaker
Colloquium TBD Sara Pollock
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar TBA Eleanor Jenkins
Colloquium TBD Daniel Eceizabarrena
Analysis Seminar TBD Daniel Eceizabarrena
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Math in the Arctic, part I Malgorzata Peszynska
Probability and Data Science Seminar TBD Evgenia Chunikhina
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar TBA Solomon Yim
Colloquium TBD Weinan Wang
Analysis Seminar TBD Weinan Wang
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Digital Twins for Time Dependent Problems Juan Restrepo
Colloquium Journey to the Center of the Earth Gunther Uhlmann
Lonseth Lecture Lonseth Lecture: Inverse Problems and Harry Potter's Cloak Gunther Uhlmann
Analysis Seminar TBD Adel Faridani
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar TBA Mark Raleigh
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Rankin-Cohen Type Differential Operators on Automorphic Forms Francis Dunn
Geometry and Topology Seminar Reducible Surgeries on Slice and Almost L-Space Knots Holt Bodish
Analysis Seminar Effects of Mixing Flows on Aggregative Behavior Nicholas Harrison
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Fast-spreading pathogens affecting small populations: Why does FMDV persist in African Buffalo populations? Ricardo Reyes Grimaldo
Ph.D. Defense Distinctness of Two Pseudo-Anosov Homeomorphisms Mesa Walker
Colloquium An Overview of Actuarial Science and Stochastic Systems in Insurance Markets Trang Bui
Probability and Data Science Seminar Geometry of Binary Hyperdimensional Computing Wyatt Whiting
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Visual Study of Gaussian Periods and Analogues Samantha Platt
Colloquium Numerical Solution of Double Saddle-Point Systems Chen Greif
Geometry and Topology Seminar The Moduli Space of Graphical Associative Submanifolds Emily Windes
Analysis Seminar Landis' conjecture in the plane Blair Davey
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar NO seminar today: attend CASCADE RAIN on April 27 instead N/A
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Free abelian groups detected by the Weil height Jeff Vaaler
Analysis Seminar The Method of Moving Spheres on Hyperbolic Space and Classification of Solutions to a Class of PDEs Jianxiong Wang
Geometry and Topology Seminar Cobordism Obstructions to Complex Sections Dennis Ngyuen
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Maxwell's Equations and HMM (by Boo) and A flexible algorithm for low-dose region-of-interest tomography (by Cowal) Wei-Xi Boo and Peter Cowal
Mathematical Biology Seminar Rowing, waving, and worms: using computational methods to study how natural variation affects swimming performance in Tomopteridae Nick Battista
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar On a question of WunderNatur Jon Kujawa
Geometry and Topology Seminar Octonions and the exceptional Lie algebras (and particle physics) Tevian Dray
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Modeling hypothermia, frostbite, and blood flow regulation with a coupled PDE and ODE system (by Fara) and CFL Optimized Local Time-Stepping in the Shallow Water Equations (by Lilly) Tyler Fara and Jeremy Lilly
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar p-adic equidistribution and a Berkovich-analytic Koksma inequality Clayton Petsche
Conference Math For All Conference
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Improving the accuracy of coupled physics packages in Earth system models Sean Santos
Geometry and Topology Seminar Isotopy, Concordance and Intermediate Curvatures. Mark Walsh
Colloquium Scalar Curvature and Singularities Mark Walsh
Geometry and Topology Seminar The coarse geometry of geodesic currents Didac Martinez Granado
Analysis Seminar Organizational meeting Radu Dascaliuc
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar No seminar today TBA
Mathematical Biology Seminar Forecasting coral reef dynamics using scientific machine learning Zech Meunier
Mathematical Education Seminar Mathematics Education Seminar Elise Lockwood
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar The local-global conjecture for Apollonian circle packings is false Katherine Stange
Analysis Seminar Global Existence for a Multi-Species Advection Diffusion Equation with a Wide Set of Kernels Zachary Radke
Geometry and Topology Seminar Two Talks: Group Ring and the Homology of a Simplicial G-Complex and A Discrete Curvature Approach to the Drill String Problem Chung-Ping Lai and Arthur Mills
Applied Mathematics and Computation Seminar Wave propagation and its failure in lattice equations Brian Moore
Dynamical Systems Seminar Inferring Long-term Dynamics of Ecological Communities Using Combinatorics William Cuello
Student Event SIAMinar - Invitations to Industry: An intro to quantitative finance Andrew McMillan