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Geometry and Topology Seminars

Person walking on campus through green grass with their bike.

See below for upcoming seminars or access the seminar archive.


Bill Bogley, Christine Escher and Ren Guo


Meeting time

M 1200-1250

Reducible Surgeries on Slice and Almost L-Space Knots

Kidd 280

Speaker: Holt Bodish

A celebrated theorem of low dimensional topology states that any 3-manifold can be obtained from S^3 by Dehn surgery on a link. However, it is still an open question which 3-manifolds arise as Dehn surgery on a knot (a link with one component). We use tools from Heegaard Floer homology to investigate a special case of this question: when does Dehn surgery on a knot produce a reducible 3-manifold (a non-trivial connected sum of two 3-manifolds). We show that slice knots only admit reducible surgeries of a particular kind and that only certain slopes on almost L-space knots can produce reducible 3-manifolds. This is joint work with Robert DeYeso III. Read more.