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Math Placement Assessment

Two masked students sit near one another at a table using laptops

All incoming START students are required to take the ALEKS Placement Assessment

All of your previous college math courses will be used to determine your placement, along with any AP/IB scores. Your ALEKS score will not lower your placement if you have previous college credits. The ALEKS score can only improve your math placement. For example, if you have successfully completed Precalculus I: Functions (College Algebra), MTH 111Z, at another institution and score a 50 on the ALEKS Assessment, you will be able to register for MTH 112Z or MTH 241 based on your completion of MTH 111Z. It is important to discuss with your advisor during your START advising appointment what math courses are needed for your particular major.

ALEKS scores are loaded into the OSU system twice each weekday at 7:15 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. For example, if you take your assessment today, you will be able to register for your math course either after 3:45 pm today or after 7:15 am tomorrow.

ALEKS is a web-based, artificially intelligent assessment and learning system.

It uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately determine what a student knows, doesn't know, and is ready to learn. The ALEKS placement test is covered by your student fees and takes around 90 minutes to complete, though there is no time limit.

Note: Log into ALEKS using your OSU email address and password.

Understanding your ALEKS score

Your score on the ALEKS assessment will determine which mathematics course(s) you are eligible to take. If you are not satisfied with your placement, you may re-assess up to four times, with your highest score used for placement.

Getting help with ALEKS

Improve your ALEKS score

Access the ALEKS Learning Modules to review before retaking the Math Placement Assessment or to prepare for your course.

Get technical support

If you are having technical trouble with the ALEKS assessment, please check that your computer meets all the ALEKS system requirements.

If you still have difficulties, please contact ALEKS student support at (800) 258-2374.

Registration and other placement issues

The math department enforces prerequisites, at C- or better (with few exceptions), for all MTH courses. If you believe you have met the prerequisite, but are receiving a "Prerequisite not yet met" registration error, please contact the math department, 541-737-5170, or email [email protected]. Please include your OSU ID number with all communications.