Probability is a field of research concerned with quantifying and analyzing random structures and stochastic dynamics. It proved to be essential for data science, statistical mechanics, computer science, networks science, actuarial science, and finance. The applicability of probability theory and stochastic processes is ever-expanding.

The probability distribution for a single quantum random walker on the integer lattice, illustrated here, exhibits an interference phenomenon — a non-classical effect producing a pattern of high and low probability regions. The work of Axel Saenz Rodriguez focuses on models with high degrees of symmetry, such as the Ising-Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain model resulting in the probability distribution above, with the aim to precisely describe the evolution and pattern of the probability distribution for multiple interacting quantum random walkers.
Probability research faculty
Courses in probability and stochastic processes:
- MTH 361 Introduction to Probability
- MTH 463/563 Probability I
- MTH 464/564 Probability II
- MTH 465/565 Probability III
- MTH 467/567 Actuarial Mathematics
- MTH 664 Probability Theory I
- MTH 665 Probability Theory II
- MTH 669 Topics in Stochastic Processes
Probability links:
- Bernoulli Society Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS)
- INFORMS Applied Probability Society
- ArXiv: Probability (preprints)
Probability journals:
- ALEA - Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probability and Statistics
- Annals of Probability
- Annals of Applied Probability
- Applied Probability Journals (Applied Probability Trust)
- Bernoulli
- Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing
- Electronic Communications in Probability
- Electronic Journal of Probability
- ESAIM: Probability and Statistics
- Journal of Statistical Physics
- Journal of Theoretical Probability
- Markov Processes And Related Fields
- Probability Surveys
- Probability Theory and Related Fields
- Queueing Systems
- Random Structures & Algorithms
- Statistics and Probability Letters
- Stochastic Processes and their Applications
- Stochastics and Dynamics
- Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes
- Theory of Probability and its Applications