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Graduate students outdoors in front of the Valley Library

The Department of Mathematics offers graduate programs leading to the M.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in mathematics, with research emphasis possible in a variety of areas within pure and applied mathematics and in mathematics education.

The department currently has about 70 graduate students, with more than 50 of them granted teaching assistantships or fellowships. The department awards 15 to 20 new graduate assistantship appointments annually and other funding is available through the College of Science and Graduate School.

For an exhaustive list of our graduate student alumni, going all the way back to 1933, please visit our internal website.

Connect with our graduate chair

Reach out to us with questions or concerns at [email protected]

Ph.D. Program

A Ph.D. in mathematics provides specialized study and independent research in mathematics. Areas of study represented by our graduate faculty include analysis, applied mathematics, differential geometry, financial and actuarial mathematics, mathematical biology, mathematics education, number theory, numerical analysis, probability, and topology.

M.S. Program

Our two-year master's program is designed to provide both breadth and depth in mathematics. Students completing the master's program are prepared to proceed into the workforce, enter a Ph.D. program in the mathematical sciences or pursue an advanced degree in an allied discipline.

Accelerated Master's

Current Oregon State Mathematics majors can earn a master's degree within one year of finishing your bachelor's by taking graduate classes in mathematics, applying those credits to a current undergraduate degree, and then transferring them to a participating graduate program.

A top notch mathematics education

Graduate students participate in core mathematics classes as well as in interdisciplinary research, education, and professional development projects and programs, including actuarial science. Our students undertake a breadth and depth of mathematics learning that supports advanced problem solving.

Life as a graduate student goes beyond the classroom

In addition to rigorous academic pursuits, mathematics graduate students have opportunities to engage in a rich range of activities at Oregon State, including graduate appreciation, student clubs, research talks, workshops, travel and conferences, and diverse outreach experiences.


Our faculty and students engage in research both in core areas of mathematics as well as in various interdisciplinary projects and grants. The research atmosphere is enhanced by weekly seminars and colloquia featuring lectures by local and visiting mathematicians, and the annual Lonseth and Milne lectures. Students have opportunities to attend regional, national, and international conferences, and to publish articles.

Our graduates are career-ready

Our Ph.D. and M.S. graduates hold faculty positions in the United States (Tulane, Cal Poly, UT Austin, and many regional universities and community colleges) as well as in Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ireland, Kuwait, Korea, Nepal, New Zealand, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and other countries. Some work as actuaries (Milliman, Inc., State Farm, UNUM, Bookbyte E-Commerce, Republic Group, SAIF Corporation), in industry (Intel, Samsung and more), and in government and research labs (National Security Agency, Los Alamos National Lab, Sandia National Lab, National Energy Technology Laboratory and Bonneville Power Administration).

Hear from our graduate students

"I came to Oregon State interested in applied mathematics, and chose to work in numerical analysis. I have had many excellent research opportunities since coming to OSU: internships and funding for my dissertation. This has allowed me to focus exclusively on research and has provided me with the tools and contacts to pursue a career in national labs or industry."
– D.M., class of 2016

"Initially, I came to OSU because I fell in love with western Oregon. I totally lucked out that the math was also great. I was shocked at how approachable and sharp everyone was, from my professors to my fellow students. I learned so much my first year, how to learn and work in this kind of environment. I love being in front of a classroom, at a tutoring desk and in office hours. I really appreciate that I've had the opportunity to teach and TA a wide variety of course, from the first term of pre-algebra to the final bits of linear algebra for most engineers."
— J.M., current student

"I chose the OSU math department because of the unique opportunity to collaborate with other disciplines while getting a pure mathematics education. My advisors gave me an opportunity to present research at multiple conferences, do an internship and make contacts that led to a postdoc position. Also, Corvallis is a great place to live and work!"
— C.M., class of 2011

"I chose OSU for the strong applied mathematics program. I'll be leaving OSU having accomplished everything I had hoped to accomplish in graduate school, and more. During my time at OSU I was provided tremendous opportunities. By the time I graduate I will have published more than 4 papers, presented research at 9 national and international conferences, worked collaboratively with peers in other disciplines and have been offered my dream job nine months prior to my defense date."
— T.C., class of 2016

"OSU's math faculty is very supportive of graduate students and have created an environment in which pushing yourself is encouraged and supported. Collaboration and peer learning is encouraged. This is a great department for returning students."
— E.S., current student

"I wanted to get a Ph.D. specializing in probability and actuarial science and OSU has faculty whose research overlaps with mine. My campus visit experience was wonderful and I decided to join the program."
— S.L., class of 2015

"The unique opportunity to work with highly skilled researchers from the Math Department at OSU was essential to get me where I am in my career today: happily employed and doing what I love, math. Studying at the math department at OSU gave me all the opportunities I needed to excel in my career. The math department at OSU gave me everything I needed to do well – good infrastructure and great professors."
— V.K., class of 2011

"As an international student, beside the robust program, I really liked the friendly environment and the funding. Also, international students appreciate the trust that the department gives to grad students as teaching assistants which builds our confidence and enhances our teaching skills."
— H.A., class of 2016