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Analogues of Alder-Type Partition Inequalities for Fixed Perimeter Partitions

Analogues of Alder-Type Partition Inequalities for Fixed Perimeter Partitions

Tuesday, November 21, 2023 10:00 am
WNGR 201
Holly Swisher
Oregon State University

In 2016, Straub proved an analogue to Euler's partition identity for partitions with a fixed perimeter. Later, Fu and Tang proved a refinement and generalization of Straub's analogue to d-distinct partitions and a result related to the first Rogers-Ramanujan identity. Motivated by generalizations of the Alder-Andrews Theorem, we further generalize the work done by Fu and Tang by introducing a new parameter, similar to work of Kang and Park. Using combinatorial techniques, we investigate Alder-type partition inequalities in a fixed perimeter setting. This is joint work with REU students Ling Chen, Isabelle Hernandez, and Zain Shields.

Holly Swisher