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Graduate Student Research Highlights

Graduate Student Research Highlights

  • Recent work by graduate student Jeremy Lilly is featured as a Research Highlight on the home page of the US Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program.
  • PhD student Naren Vohra gave an invited presentation at a minisymposium at the largest of SIAM conferences, the SIAM CSE (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Computational Science and Engineering). Naren was also accepted to participate in a hackathon to take place before the conference, and received financial support from SIAM, OSU Graduate School and his adviser's NSF grant.
  • Nachuan Zhang, a PhD candidate, received COSSTA travel support to present at the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in Geosciences in Bergen Norway in June 2023. Nachuan presented at the ICIAM 2023 (10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in Japan in August 2023. His travel was supported by Mathematics Department, Joel Davis Scholar award, and ICIAM student fund.
  • Austin Bosgraaf gave an invited talk at the MAA Pacific Northwest Sectional meeting at George Fox University in March 2023. There he shared some of his current thesis work; in particular how error-correcting codes are applied in field of global Riemannian geometry. He also gave a contributed talk at Math for All here at OSU, where he spoke about isometric SO(2)-actions on spheres through the lens of "spinning a basket-ball on your finger".
  • Mesa Walker: Spoke at USTARS conference in Seattle, Washington in March 2023, and was given travel funding and waived registration. Co-Authored publication with Tevian Dray which was published in "The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines" in Bergen, Norway in June 2023
  • Praveeni Mathangadeera: SIAM PNW 2023 - Poster presentation, received a poster prize (second place), poster presentation title ; 'Sensitivity to particular hypothesis in a permafrost model responding to surface temperature variations', received travel support in order to attend