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Planar extensions and continuity of entropy for infinitely many 1-parameter families of interval maps

Planar extensions and continuity of entropy for infinitely many 1-parameter families of interval maps

Thursday, May 23, 2024 3:00 pm
Thursday, May 23, 2024 3:50 pm
KIDD 238
Thomas Schmidt
Oregon State University

Abstract: In a series of papers with Calta and Kraaikamp, we associate to each of an infinite number of hyperbolic triangles a one-parameter family of interval maps. We prove that the measure theoretic entropy value is continuous along each one-parameter family. We conjecture that the "first expansive power" of each of the maps arises as a factor of a section to the geodesic flow on the unit tangent space of the corresponding hyperbolic surface. In the talk, I will indicate the history of such investigations, explain basic notions, share some examples, and indicate the methods.

Nicholas Marshall