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Summer Positions

Summer Positions

  • Three OSU Math grads were invited to attend the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath / formerly MSRI) 2023 Summer Graduate Schools.
    • Austin Bosgraaf - Topics in Geometric Flows and Minimal Surfaces (St. Mary's)
    • Chung-Ping Lai - Machine Learning (UC San Diego)
    • Peter Cowal - Mathematics of Big Data: Sketching and (Multi-) Linear Algebra (IBM Almaden)
  • Tyler Fara, third year Mathematics PhD student, was accepted to the NSF MSGI (Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship) program for Summer 2023. Tyler will work at NREL (National Renewable Energy Lab), Golden, CO in the group High Performance Algorithms and Complex Fluids (HPACF) Group on a project "Simulation of Supercritical Fluids for Energy Systems".
  • Mathematics graduate student Praveeni Mathangadeera was accepted (with funding) to participate in a workshop to take place at IPAM in July 2023. IPAM is an NSF funded institute at UCLA.
  • Praveeni Mathangadeera:
    • AMIGAs (Applied Mathematics skills Improvement for Graduate studies Advancement ) workshop at IPAM, UCLA , July 10-14, 2023, received funds for travel and lodging , [Overlap with Prof. Travel?]
    • AMIGAs workshop consisted of professional development activities, research talks related to the mathematics of data science and its applications, and tutorials that focused on skills such as computer programming, mathematical modeling, and data management and computing through machine learning techniques.
  • Madison Phelps was selected for a summer 2023 internship at LBNL laboratory in the Applied Numerical Algorithms Group following a Sustainable Research Pathways workshop that she attended in January. Madison will also attend the ICERM workshop on "ICERM Workshop on Acceleration and Extrapolation Methods", with funding from ICERM, department, and Joel Davis fund.
  • Fernando Angulo-Barba: Summer internship this past Summer through the Sustainable Horizons Institute Sustainable Research Program (SRP) at LBNL with Professor Axel Saenz Rodriguez
  • Austin Bosgraaf attended a summer school at MSRI on the topics of minimal submanifold theory and mean curvature flow, and received travel funding for this event.