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Math in the Valley Summer 2024

2022–24 Newsletter

A sunny summer day shines on Kidder Hall and the blooming bushes around it
headshot of Jon Kujawa smiling outside

From the Head

Greetings from Corvallis! As many of you know, I joined the OSU math department in January to serve as the new department head. It is a homecoming of sorts. I received my PhD at the University of Oregon and then spent the next twenty years hoping for an opportunity to return to the Pacific Northwest.

During my interview and subsequent visits to Corvallis, I learned about the many amazing things happening in the OSU math department. These include world-class research, innovative teaching, committed undergraduate and graduate student mentoring, service to the broader community, and impactful efforts to make math welcoming to all. I also learned that these activities are possible thanks in part to the generosity of the department’s many friends.

Six months in, I am ever more impressed by department members’ commitment to all facets of its mission. To misquote an old advertising slogan, the OSU math department does more in one quarter than most math departments do in an entire semester.

This newsletter can only provide some highlights of the past year. I encourage you to take a deep dive into our website. There, you will learn more about the many accomplishments, awards, scholarships, grants, and activities of our faculty and students. On the website, you can also keep up with the latest department news. Many exciting things are in the works and will be announced in the coming months. For one, we’ve hired fantastic new faculty --- there is no need to wait until our next newsletter to learn more about them!

On a more personal note, let me take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation for the welcome I’ve received from the entire community. In what must be Corvallis’s version of a baptism, colleagues recently took me on my first float of the Willamette River. I’m also grateful for all that my predecessors, Bill Bogley and Enrique Thomann, have done in service of the department. They and everyone made the transition to OSU remarkably smooth.

Leaving my friends and colleagues at the University of Oklahoma and moving halfway across the country wasn’t easy, but I haven’t regretted it for a second. I’m delighted to be here in Corvallis and part of this great department.

Jonathan Kujawa
Department Head, Mathematics
Hartmann Faculty Scholar

Jonathan Kujawa received a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Oregon and a B.A. in mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College. His research interests center around representation theory and Lie theory – particularly their connections to algebraic geometry, low-dimensional topology, and algebraic combinatorics – to understand the mathematics of symmetry.

Faculty news, honors and awards

Our faculty have been hard at work over the last year with teaching, travel and mentoring. Read on to learn more about their efforts, recent tenure appointments, promotions, grants, awards and other honors.

Image: Holly Swisher and her group at SLMath SRiM in Berkeley

Headshot of Professor Xueying Yu and a personal photo of Peter Banwarth with his child

Welcome new faculty!

The Mathematics Department is pleased to welcome Assistant Professor Xueying Yu (above left) who joined us over the summer, and two instructors who are also former Oregon State Mathematics graduate students: Peter Banwarth (above right) and Danial Wentland.

Meet our new hires


Mathematics faculty traveled far and wide in 2023, from Tokyo, Japan to Stockholm, Sweden to Berkley, California.

Enjoy these travel photos and stories

Grants, awards and honors

Congratulations to Malgorzata Peszynska, recently named University Distinguished Professor—OSU's highest honor—in recognition of her unique and highly impactful contributions to research and mentorship. It has been a busy couple years for Peszynska. Her proposal on “Computational Mathematics of Arctic Processes” has been funded by the NSF/DMS Computational Mathematics program. Peszynska is PI on this three-year $388K project. She has also been honored by SIAM as a Women's History Month Honoree and featured in SIAM News, blog and social media. She gave a lecture in the Journal of Engineering Mathematics Seminar Series on December 6, as well as a plenary talk in the SIAM Geosciences Webinar Series on December 8th. Learn more about these two lectures.

Tevian Dray's Paradigms in Physics grants were active through December, having been significantly delayed by the pandemic. Online course materials have been developed, including both an interactive textbook used in several courses and a new course management system used also for external workshops. Dray has also developed several freely available, interactive online texts, incorporating applets based on both GeoGebra and SageMath.

Holly Swisher has received the Mathematics Majors Award for Teaching from the Oregon State University Department of Mathematics in 2023 and was a finalist for the Lloyd Carter Award for Outstanding and Inspirational Teaching at the Undergraduate Level, College of Science, Oregon State University, 2023.

Mary Beisiegel, professor in the Department of Mathematics, received the Fred Horne Award for her exceptional and sustained instructional achievements and high student praise. This award is named after Fred Horne, Oregon State professor emeritus of chemistry and the former College of Science dean for 13 years, from 1986 to 1999.

Two math faculty, Derek Eby and Nina Gydé, were chosen to participate in the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community during Winter 2023.

Tenure and promotions

Amanda Blaisdell, Michael Gilliam, Chris Orum, and Johnner Barrett were all promoted to Senior Instructor I.

David Wing, Liz Jones and Sara Clark were all promoted to Senior Instructor II.

Mary Beisiegel, Clayton Petsche and Elise Lockwood were all promoted to Professor of Mathematics.


Thank you to Interim Dean Bokil

On August 1, 2022, mathematician Vrushali Bokil became the first woman and the first woman of color to be (interim) dean of science at Oregon State University, working tirelessly to transition the College as it searched for its new dean. As she resumes her role as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, we reflect on her many accomplishments.

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Mathematics undergraduates and alumni find success at Oregon State and beyond

Celebrating a legacy of excellence

The mathematics department has created an endowed scholarship, supported by an anonymous donor, in honor of Mathematics Professor Thomas Dick for his lifelong dedication to educating and mentoring students.

Image: Professor Emeritus​ Thomas Dick (left) and Mathematics Department Head Jon Kujawa.

Read more about Professor Dick's leadership and dedication 

A strong year for undergraduate research

Many undergraduate students choose to do research in mathematics, either through an Honors College thesis, URSA Engage, the College of Science SURE program, an REU program, or on a faculty member's research grant.

Image: REU 2023 students Zain Shields, Isabelle Hernandez and Ling Chen.

Meet our research-engaged students 
A man in a blue suit jacket poses for a headshot.

Robert R. and Elaine F. Phelps Endowed Professor Gunther Uhlmann

2024 Lonseth Lecture continues a proud legacy

Esteemed mathematician Gunther Uhlmann presented the 39th Lonseth Lecture in May, 2024. In his talk, "Inverse Problems and Harry Potter's Cloak," Uhlmann explored various inverse problems encountered across scientific disciplines like science and engineering.

Prior to the lecture, the department hosted the 39th Annual Lonseth Award Ceremony. Established in 1985, the Lonseth Awards recognize students and faculty who excelled throughout the previous year. The lecture and awards are named in honor of Arvid T. Lonseth, professor emeritus and former chair of the mathematics department.

Learn more about the 2024 lecture
Congratulations, 2024 winners!

In May 2023, we hosted mathematics alumna Corina Constantinescu (Ph.D. 2006) for the 38th Lonseth Lecture and Awards Ceremony, marking the first time an OSU mathematics alum has delivered the annual lecture! Dr. Constantinescu, who presented "Mathematics of Inclusive Insurance," is Professor of Mathematics and Director of the Institute for Financial and Actuarial Mathematics at the University of Liverpool.

Learn more about the 2023 lecture
See the 2023 Lonseth Awards winners

Making math inclusive

Three years ago, Assistant Professor Swati Patel and two colleagues, Padi Fuster and Robyn Brooks, wanted to do something to counter systemic racism and inequities in mathematics. In response, they founded the Math For All conference at Tulane University in New Orleans.

Math For All is now a national conference that hosts annual local programs throughout the country. In late February, about 40 people attended the Math For All satellite conference in Corvallis for free.

Learn more about the 2023 conference 
Covers of recent publications by OSU Mathematicians

Notable publications

Edward Waymire, along with collaborator Rabi Bhattacharya, have just completed what is sure to be a hugely impactful trilogy of books on stochastic processes.

David Pengelley has recently published an innovative new number theory textbook based on original, historical writings by Sophie Germain, the first woman we know to do important original mathematical research.

Naren Vohra and Malgorzata Peszynska have published a blog on the SIAM News site: Modeling Permafrost: Soil, Ice, and Some Really Hard Mathematics.

"Unlawful Calculations: A Look Into Lie's Notebook" by Johnner Barrett published in The College Mathematics Journal has received the George Pólya Award from the MAA.

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